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What Happens When Strangers Talk Openly About Money? | Honesty Circles | #shorts

  • Education
  • Life Skills
  • Substantiality

About the video:

Two years ago, Min Xuan Lee and a small group of friends decided to launch an experiment in San Francisco. They opened their homes and invited neighbors to join in a series of honest, vulnerable discussions about money. These gatherings, known as Honesty Circles, quickly grew into a global movement, bringing people of all ages and backgrounds together to explore deep, personal questions about money. From topics like self-worth and income to security and what it truly means to have “enough,” these circles create space for meaningful, transformative conversations.

In this video, Min Xuan Lee shares how Honesty Circles are changing the way people think and talk about money, sparking monthly inquiries and gatherings across the world. Watch to discover how vulnerability and openness can reshape our relationship with wealth.

About Min Xuan Lee:

Min is the co-founder and Princess of Possibility at PlayMoolah, an innovation company that empowers the next generation to develop a positive relationship to money, using money mindfully for the well-being of people and the planet. The team is known for their innovative methods and award-winning products that combine educational, digital and community experiences with the power of play. Min brings an eclectic blend of experiences to lead product innovation, strategy, and community engagement. She has spoken to audiences around the world on various topics ranging from best practices in social enterprise, to connecting money with values for inner transformation.

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