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How Your Cup of Coffee Can Save the Planet: Arshiya Bose Speaks

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health & Wellness
  • Substantiality

About the video:

Arshiya Bose shares her coffee journey in this inspiring talk on sustainability. Beginning as a PhD student studying the impacts of coffee on biodiversity, Arshiya had a pivotal conversation with Kumar on his coffee farm about the challenges faced by coffee farmers due to rainfall, pests, and disease. She learned the crucial role of preserving trees in coffee farms to maintain biodiversity and sustainability. Motivated by the realization that her coffee consumption contributes to biodiversity loss, Arshiya started Black Bazaar Coffee Company. Black Bazaar Coffee aims to transform the coffee industry by promoting biodiversity, using no chemical pesticides, and establishing secure market access for farmers.

As an INK Fellow and Cambridge graduate, Arshiya Bose is on a mission to encourage coffee drinkers in India to rethink their coffee choices. She wants consumers to understand the intrinsic value of biodiversity and support traditional shade growth that preserves precious forests. Watch this powerful talk and join the movement for sustainable coffee.

About Arshiya Bose:

Arshiya Bose is a conservationist and coffee addict who founded the Black Baza Coffee Co, a social/environment enterprise that supports coffee growers in India to follow biodiversity-friendly farming practices by providing incentives and guaranteeing a buy-back of coffee harvested from participating farms. Black Baza Coffee’s vision is to have a world where coffee farms support biodiversity and all producers have secure and stable livelihoods.

She completed her PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2014 on markets for sustainable coffee and continues to do impact-oriented research that can enable sustainable coffee production either through her own enterprise or voluntary policy mechanisms.

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