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Tinky Matthew

Pepper House Co-Founder

Tinky Mathew is the co-founder of Pepper House, a 400-year-old spice warehouse in Fort Cochin that she transformed into a vibrant café, design shop, and open gallery spaces. Although a Biomedical Engineer by education, Tinky’s true passion lies in design and fashion.

In 2012, along with her partner, she restored the historic warehouse to host the first edition of the Kochi Muziris Biennale and seized the opportunity to curate a design-focused retail shop for the event. This serendipitous experience led her to open the Pepper House Design Shop in January 2015. With this venture, Tinky realized her vision of discovering, curating, and showcasing the incredible talent of independent creators and designers from across the country, presenting them to a discerning audience.

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